Friday Finds!

{Just a Blonde in Buffalo photos} IMG_0956

{the Grove Juice Truck is by far one of my favorite food trucks in the area!}


{Flying kites and hanging out with some of the best local businesses on Sunday was a highlight from this past week}


{Yoga night success, a beautiful view of the diamond under the lights}


{unique and pretty cool artwork inside the silos from Silo City}


{I'm ready to work - inside a tour of Ralph Wilson Stadium this past week}


17651_996552187029648_95032473853458848_n[1] A new farmer's market I want to check out in South Buffalo. The South Buffalo Market.

yoga on the waterfront

Yoga at the Buffalo River Fest Park Mondays during the summer at 5:30pm.


This Saturday the Buffalo City Swim Racers are hosting a Water Safety Festival at City Honors High School. Check out a great organization and get some safety tips just in time for the summer.


If you like walking around Buffalo looking at beautiful gardens here is the link to all the places you can go. Garden Walk Buffalo Niagara


10460258_1594638074145231_8384147293071796422_n[1] Today kicks off the North Buffalo Farmers Market. A place I'm looking forward to checking out this summer.


Also, tonight at 6pm Makers Buffalo is hosting their Grand Opening of their new space and Once and For All is celebrating their new line at Modern Nostalgia!


Saturday at Ralph Wilson Stadium is Namastadium - a yoga event with proceeds benefitting the new Children's Hospital. To learn more about the event click here.


I'm super excited for Bases Merloted this year! Wine, great weather, fun games and so much more. To find out more details go here.

Yoga at the Gardens



One of the biggest things I need to learn is how to relax, so I've made it a mission to try and take yoga to help me find a way to just "chill out" from time to time. Last week I went to Yoga at the Gardens - at the Botanical Gardens. The class is led by Leanne from Crescent Moon Yoga . It was pretty full and a pretty unique atmosphere, that I personally think helped me find my "zen."

I have only taken one other yoga class before and it was hot yoga a couple years back, so I didn't know what to expect, but to my surprise I wasn't as lost as I thought I would be. I did however feel like I didn't get that intense workout in that I'm used to getting when I take other exercise classes. I think that is the toughest part for me to learn from this - that even though I may feel like I'm not doing anything I really am.

The class was $15 (or if you want to take the full 10 weeks its $100) OR if you have BCBS health insurance the class is free. Its from 5:30-6:45pm on Wednesday evenings. To learn more check out the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens site.



{I sat next to this lemon and lime tree inside the gardens}



{New artwork displayed on the Gardens}

YOU Are Beautiful

you are beautiful You are beautiful. That was the theme this past Saturday at HEAL BFLO’s event. {H.E.A.L standing for - Health, Energy, Art and Love}. The yoga retreat and wellness event was much different than other health and wellness events that take place. It was more intimate – offering an all-day yoga retreat for those who wanted to participate and on the other side a vendor based event open to the public featuring local boutiques and businesses.


heal bflo

While I didn’t attend the yoga retreat {looking back I wish I did}, when I walked into the Foundry you immediately felt a calmness and community bond at the event. Over 30 vendors participated and the venue was packed with positive energy.


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To learn more about HEAL BFLO and the ladies behind the event click here and here.


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February To-Do

february[1] We are in the second month of the year and not to get to boring, but the beginning of 2015 hasn't gone exactly as I wanted {yes, I know that's how life goes}. While I focused so much on what I didn't do and what didn't go right for me, I need to think of what did. I met some amazing people and did some pretty cool things. I, {like I think most people are}, am my worst critic, I focus on always improving myself and the things that I didn't do, that I don't take the time to enjoy what I've accomplished.

February is about getting back to me - focusing on my goals and enjoying the things I do for me and not being so hard on myself {or at least trying to - this isn't going to be an overnight switch-a-roo}. So today I'm kicking it off by heading to Holiday Valley for the day. I took the day off and am looking forward to a day of Ellicottville fun with Annette.

A  couple other things  I have on the calendar that I'm looking forward to this month are trying some new fitness classes out {Barre at Catalyst, Pound at BikeorBar, incorporating a little yoga in my life - if you know of a good studio to go to let me know! and learning more TRX at Revolution Buffalo}, a Makers Buffalo Class is always fun!, a Niagara Wine Trail wine tour for a friend's birthday, the Polar Bites event benefiting the Buffalo Zoo and planning the finishing touches for my 30th birthday party next month. Who knows what else will come up, but sometimes its those "unplanned" adventures that make the best memories.

What are some fun things you are looking forward to this month. Leave them in the comments section below and I'll pick a random person to win a gift card to 716!

