Friday Finds!

{Just a Blonde in Buffalo photos} IMG_0956

{the Grove Juice Truck is by far one of my favorite food trucks in the area!}


{Flying kites and hanging out with some of the best local businesses on Sunday was a highlight from this past week}


{Yoga night success, a beautiful view of the diamond under the lights}


{unique and pretty cool artwork inside the silos from Silo City}


{I'm ready to work - inside a tour of Ralph Wilson Stadium this past week}


10460258_1594638074145231_8384147293071796422_n[1] Today kicks off the North Buffalo Farmers Market. A place I'm looking forward to checking out this summer.


Also, tonight at 6pm Makers Buffalo is hosting their Grand Opening of their new space and Once and For All is celebrating their new line at Modern Nostalgia!


Saturday at Ralph Wilson Stadium is Namastadium - a yoga event with proceeds benefitting the new Children's Hospital. To learn more about the event click here.


I'm super excited for Bases Merloted this year! Wine, great weather, fun games and so much more. To find out more details go here.


FullSizeRender Up on the blog today, favorite thing # 5 that I love about WNY…the Buffalo Bills. That’s really not a surprise, but I’ve come to enjoy Sunday home games at the Ralph even more now because its father/daughter time with my Dad. While the games may not always be enjoyable to watch, having great company makes up for it. I'm looking forward to this coming season to see what the boys will do!


The End of the Bills Season


Today as I was walking into Ralph Wilson Stadium with my Dad for the last time this season, I started to think of all the good memories I had at the games this year. I seriously couldn't ask for better fans in Section 126. The guys in that section are like a second family. No matter how bad the game is we still make it fun and enjoyable. The Bills were a major disappointment this year, but I seriously believe they have the best fans in the NFL. Whether our team is good or bad Buffaloians LOVE football and LOVE their Buffalo Bills. Over the next few days and months changes will be made at One Bills Drive and all of us fans are hoping that next year will be our year! GO BILLS!!! -B

