Bills Game Thoughts #...3

IMG_2784 I've said it before, but Monday's are always better when the Buffalo Bills win! I know this past season I've shared my thoughts on games that happened earlier in the season, today is no different. Yesterday's game brought excitement, fun and some observations that I thought I would write about.

1. Half of the arguments or attempts to fight each other by fans come from girls starting trouble. Yes, I just said that. There is always that one {or two} girls that come to the game with a group of their friends or with their boyfriend and have enough drinks in them to act or say something that starts trouble. Which brings me to my second observation...

2. Nothing good comes when people drink to much! Don't get me wrong I love football and I love attending the games, but yesterday's first half took forever! And with that fans had more time to grab some more beers and make more "great" decisions.

3. We won! So why were people racing to pull out of the parking lots and cut people off? Don't get me wrong after every game there are always some people that drive not so great, but more than usual, yesterday brought out the worst in fans as they left the stadium by car.

I feel like you may think I'm a stick in the mud and being a little "negative Nancy," but these are my observations. I do enjoy the games... A LOT, I just think that people get lost in all the hype and build up that surrounds football games and they forget to act like responsible adults.

Until tomorrow...


A Reflection... #OneBuffalo

IMG_1408 It started off with a huge celebration, the Pegula Family, introduced by Chris Berman on the big screens at the Ralph, chants, signs saying One Buffalo, Johnny Rzeznik performing the National Anthem to us looking pretty good in the beginning of the game. Then it happened, the horrible officiating started to take place {to the point where it looked like they didn't even know what penalties they were calling on}, to the horrible Brady who wouldn't even give a high five to the half time little league team playing on the field {really is a high five gonna hurt you Brady}, all to Gronkowski crying that he got "hurt."

With the lack of patience fans were having with the NFL Officials {I don't even know if I should call them that} the game day staff wasn't any better, we had event staff walk up and down are section at least 6 or 7 times before they decided to kick a fan out for being rude during almost the whole game. It really takes you that many times to decide whether or not this person should go?!? Oh and let me not forget to mention the lady who maybe watched a total of 10 minutes of the whole game. Instead she felt that getting food and drink and walking around aimlessly was the way to go. I think she would have been better off staying at her tailgate or hosting a party at her home, it probably would have saved her a few dollars.

I know I sound harsh, don't get me wrong I do enjoy {very much} going to the games with my Dad. And I must say I am lucky we sit next to some awesome people, but I feel the need to voice my opinion on what I observe each week. Yes, I know its an NFL game, but am I wrong to ask where people's common sense has gone. As fans we build up this "hype" that we have to do x, y and z and isn't the real reason we're all there to watch a football game?

Until next time! Go Bills!


Bills game, National Anthem 10.12.14 

{Click above to watch my video of the end of the National Anthem performed by Johnny Rzeznik of the Goo Goo Dolls}


{I'm not the only one who thought the officiating was bad}


{Breast Cancer Survivors took the field during the end of the 3rd quarter}


{Follow me on Instagram for more photos I took from the game. My handle is bybuffalob}

Leaving a Legacy

IMG_1325 As I'm writing this post I still have goosebumps from the Buffalo Bills win against the Detroit Lions. What a game! Every game is important to win, but A LOT was on the line for Buffalo. 1. This was the last game where the Buffalo Bills are owned by the Wilson family. 2. Winning this game keeps us first in line in the AFC. 3. Whenever there is a quarterback change as fans you always wonder how it will our favor or not.

While play calling was iffy at times, the team came together till the very end to lead their fans in a nail bitter winning game. I can only imagine what Mary Wilson and the rest of the Wilson family were thinking as they watched on. Ralph Wilson has done so much for the Buffalo Community, not only by owning the Buffalo Bills, but by leaving billions of dollars to go to local charities in this community. He was a man that was smart, passionate, positive and influential. A role model. And I can only hope that others follow in his footsteps.

Sunday marked an end of the Wilson era, but their legacy will last forever in the hearts and minds of Bills fans everywhere.

Until next week! Go Bills!!!


Buffalo Bills Fans - Just a Blonde in Buffalo

{ click above - I captured this video of fans at Bada Bing after we won the game. #Buffalove }

My NFL Fan Style - Buffalo Bills

{ My NFL Style - Buffalo Bills, Just a Blonde in Buffalo }


{ My friend Lacey taking selfies post win, check out her blog #forty74 }

group photo

{ The girls! Go Bills }

The End of the Bills Season


Today as I was walking into Ralph Wilson Stadium with my Dad for the last time this season, I started to think of all the good memories I had at the games this year. I seriously couldn't ask for better fans in Section 126. The guys in that section are like a second family. No matter how bad the game is we still make it fun and enjoyable. The Bills were a major disappointment this year, but I seriously believe they have the best fans in the NFL. Whether our team is good or bad Buffaloians LOVE football and LOVE their Buffalo Bills. Over the next few days and months changes will be made at One Bills Drive and all of us fans are hoping that next year will be our year! GO BILLS!!! -B

