Yoga at the Gardens



One of the biggest things I need to learn is how to relax, so I've made it a mission to try and take yoga to help me find a way to just "chill out" from time to time. Last week I went to Yoga at the Gardens - at the Botanical Gardens. The class is led by Leanne from Crescent Moon Yoga . It was pretty full and a pretty unique atmosphere, that I personally think helped me find my "zen."

I have only taken one other yoga class before and it was hot yoga a couple years back, so I didn't know what to expect, but to my surprise I wasn't as lost as I thought I would be. I did however feel like I didn't get that intense workout in that I'm used to getting when I take other exercise classes. I think that is the toughest part for me to learn from this - that even though I may feel like I'm not doing anything I really am.

The class was $15 (or if you want to take the full 10 weeks its $100) OR if you have BCBS health insurance the class is free. Its from 5:30-6:45pm on Wednesday evenings. To learn more check out the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens site.



{I sat next to this lemon and lime tree inside the gardens}



{New artwork displayed on the Gardens}

Friday Favorites!

Its the last weekend in May and there is a lot going on around town this weekend. Whatever it is that you have planned, I hope its great. Here are some of my favorite photos from my "adventures" around town this past week. -B

city hall

{City Hall from the Convention Center}


{Canalside Festival last weekend}


{My view from the Skyway}

botanical gardens

{Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens}