Friday Favorites

This week has left me questioning a handful of things, leaving me unsure of what my next steps may be, but I know I need to take a step back because it will all work out, it always does. I think part of my uncertainty may come from me comparing myself to others. While social media can be a great tool for many, it can also leave you feeling like you’re not doing as well or as much as you should and quite frankly it can make you feel low and want to quit when you really shouldn’t feel that way. As much as you want to use it, sometimes it may be best to take a break or step away from it so you can truly focus on you and nothing else.

As I was thinking of what to share for today’s post, it made me feel a little better seeing the simple things that happened this week and put things in perspective for me. Like last week, I’d love for you to share at least one positive thing that happened to you this week.


my family had to say goodbye to Wallace our wiener dog at the beginning of the week. While we are still coping with not having him physically here, he lived a great life and brought a lot of joy and love to us and for that I am so thankful.

my family had to say goodbye to Wallace our wiener dog at the beginning of the week. While we are still coping with not having him physically here, he lived a great life and brought a lot of joy and love to us and for that I am so thankful.

I met with Kim and Ginny, owners of the Zero Waste Buffalo group on Facebook and Instagram page for a blog feature I’ll be sharing next week. This photo shows just some simple things you can carry in your bag to help reduce use of single use plastic…

I met with Kim and Ginny, owners of the Zero Waste Buffalo group on Facebook and Instagram page for a blog feature I’ll be sharing next week. This photo shows just some simple things you can carry in your bag to help reduce use of single use plastics. More to come on this..

I was able to catch up with an old co-worker, turned friend at The Little Club this week. Its always a nice feeling to surround yourself with great friends.

I was able to catch up with an old co-worker, turned friend at The Little Club this week. Its always a nice feeling to surround yourself with great friends.

Changed up my Thursday workout routine and took a class on lunch at Impact with my friend Kelsey. It was a nice way to break up the day.

Changed up my Thursday workout routine and took a class on lunch at Impact with my friend Kelsey. It was a nice way to break up the day.

Impact Cycle

Smoothies and Spin, what could be better...

Smoothies and Spin, what could be better...

Motivation, Strength, Courage - these are just three things IMPACT Next Level does for anyone who steps foot inside their doors. IMPACT is located inside the HarborCenter in downtown Buffalo. While they have been around for a few years, whats new to the streets is their IMPACT Cycle and IMPACT Yoga classes that began last month. :) 


Thanks to my very good friend, Kelsey I was able to take a cycle class with Jason Jerome last night. If you know Jason you know how passionate, dedicated and encouraging he is and his ability to push you to do your absolute best goes above and beyond anyone's expectations.

The cycle class was fun, encouraging and challenging {in a good way}. So for all my fitness friends and/or friends that work in the downtown area, if you're looking to check out a new place or change up your workout, pay a visit to IMPACT. 


If you are taking a class note the cycle and yoga studios are located right next door to the Healthy Scratch {perfect for a post work out smoothie or meal ;)}. To see snippets of my class from last night check out my insta-story on Instagram at @bybuffalob. 

IMPACT also offers more than just cycle and yoga classes. To learn more check out for class schedules, pricing and more. 
