My Friday Favorites!

canalside sunset just a blonde in buffalo photo

{I am obsessed with this sunset I was able to capture on my phone Wednesday night down at Canalside. Absolutely beautiful!}

This week has been crazy and I'm happy to say its Friday! While there was some sadness filled in the week with goodbyes, there were also some positive things that took place - like me running my fastest 5k and celebrating two of my really good friends birthdays. With the negative comes the positive and vice versa. I'm looking forward to the weekend and just enjoying the little things around me. I hope you enjoy yours at well!

And if you're at the Brewer's Festival tomorrow at Canalside, stop by and say hi! I'll be at the front table!



{Love these cards from the Allentown Art festival}

allentown just a blonde in buffalo photo

{On the corner of Allen and Main St. are these rocks just plopped on the grass with a sign that says welcome to Allentown - welcoming those who visit the area, especially those who attended the art festival last weekend}

visit buffalo niagara photo - buster bison

{Photo is from Visit Buffalo Niagara's Instagram - Buster was helping serve lunch on Thursday! #Buffalove15}


Allentown Art Festival 2015

I hit the road and headed to Delaware Ave. and Allen St. this past weekend to go to one of my favorite festivals of the summer - the Allentown Art Festival. I am not an art junkie and I probably won't ever purchase an expensive piece of art work at least not anytime soon, but I do like to look at the photographers and artists work. This year I found myself liking more of the vendors participating in the "Allen West Festival" that takes place off of the main festival street by Nietzche's. Here are a list of some of my favorite vendors this year:

  • Bruce Odell
  • Mia Sohn
  • PS Enjoy Yourself
  • Jman Photo
  • Axetreme Creations
  • Geometrical Cards
  • Everything Buffalo
  • The Public
  • Ella Rae Bowtique
  • Vintage Chameleon
  • Daggett Designs - awesome Buffalove work he had displayed

Who were some of your favorites? Did you walk away with a piece of art you love?


allen burger venture

Allen Burger Venture

allentown 1

Polish Eggs

allen west festival

Allen West Festival

allentown 2015

The first piece of artwork I saw when I approached the festival


These cards are part of a perfect gift for a friends upcoming birthday. Thanks JuNxtaposition!

Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! The weekend is upon us and there are a lot of fun things to do this weekend. Whether you're relaxing and spending time low key or heading to the Allentown Art Festival, The Buffalo Zoo Catillion or Taste of Country, I hope you have a great weekend! -B

linwood candles

{I love the smell of these candles from Linwood Candles}

savannah graduation

{My niece graduated from Pre-K and I couldn't be more proud of her}

bases merloted

{Classic Bases Merloted picture}

the dish

{I love walks to Canalside. The Dish is a pretty good lunch spot to hit up if you're looking for a place to go}