My Friday Favorites!

canalside sunset just a blonde in buffalo photo

{I am obsessed with this sunset I was able to capture on my phone Wednesday night down at Canalside. Absolutely beautiful!}

This week has been crazy and I'm happy to say its Friday! While there was some sadness filled in the week with goodbyes, there were also some positive things that took place - like me running my fastest 5k and celebrating two of my really good friends birthdays. With the negative comes the positive and vice versa. I'm looking forward to the weekend and just enjoying the little things around me. I hope you enjoy yours at well!

And if you're at the Brewer's Festival tomorrow at Canalside, stop by and say hi! I'll be at the front table!



{Love these cards from the Allentown Art festival}

allentown just a blonde in buffalo photo

{On the corner of Allen and Main St. are these rocks just plopped on the grass with a sign that says welcome to Allentown - welcoming those who visit the area, especially those who attended the art festival last weekend}

visit buffalo niagara photo - buster bison

{Photo is from Visit Buffalo Niagara's Instagram - Buster was helping serve lunch on Thursday! #Buffalove15}