Waterkeeper Thursday
/flyer courtesy of Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper
I know I’m a day late on the last post I wanted to share with you about Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, what can I say, sometimes life gets in the way and your schedule gets switched up. Anyways, in this last post I wanted to share with you some general information anyone can do as they make their way to the water with the warm, summer season approaching.
Let’s face it here in Buffalo we only have a short time frame to get out and enjoy those recreational water sport activities we know and love. Whether its kayaking, paddle boarding, getting in a boat, on a jet ski or catamaran we all need to do our part and leave our waterways cleaner than the way we found it when we head out .
Here are some tips to take with you this summer:
If you bring it with, take it back. Basically take what you bring with you on the water, back with you when you leave the water.
If you see trash, pick it up. It doesn’t hurt to help pick up some liter you see in your journey if you can do so safely.
If you see an issue (a spill or large contamination) call Waterkeeper or the NY Department of Environmental Conservation and report where you are and what you see. The worst thing you could do is turn your head and not do anything about it. Be proactive!
Understand WATER SAFETY - a lot of people get in the water without knowing the basic water safety procedures, Waterkeeper helps educate a handful of local vendors in the area to make sure their staff is properly trained and advising you before heading out on the water.
Waterkeeper works with a lot of other partners in the area (WNY Land Conservancy, PUSH Buffalo, Niagara Falls Aquarium to name a few) to build and bring conservation efforts to the forefront in the community. Progress is being made and awareness is getting out there which in turn is inspiring millions of private and public investment to continue to clean our waterways.
When speaking with Chris at Waterkeeper a few weeks back I asked him what his favorite Buffalo thing is and he of course said our waterways, in both Buffalo and Niagara Falls. His most memorable experience -being able to host the waterkeeper alliance in Buffalo last year.
As we move forward, protecting our water is a big wake up call - the awareness to the general public is going to continue to increase and people will continue to learn and hopefully understand the importance of our waterways and the effects water pollution has on everything from land to animals.
If you’d like to learn more on ways you can help, upcoming events or programs this summer or just general information, visit Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper’s website and follow them on social media.