Friday Favorites!
/{A staple building in downtown Buffalo, Hotel Lafayette}
It’s been an eventful week compared to the last few. As I’m beginning to prep for my 30th birthday in a few short weeks, I’ve been consumed with so many ideas that this weekend is going to be about narrowing down what I really want and then putting the plan into action. Part of the weekend is also going to be me looking for an adventure or a new place to visit. It’s been a while since I’ve traveled and as much as I love Buffalo, everyone needs a little break now and then. Have a good weekend!
{One of my favorite things at Polar Bites, the Elephant painted Wine and Martini Glasses}
{I finally visited Hydraulic Hearth for Brunch on Saturday - it was awesome!}
{I found this quote on Instagram and love it!}
{You can't beat a spongecandy stout beer at Resurgence}
February To-Do
We are in the second month of the year and not to get to boring, but the beginning of 2015 hasn't gone exactly as I wanted {yes, I know that's how life goes}. While I focused so much on what I didn't do and what didn't go right for me, I need to think of what did. I met some amazing people and did some pretty cool things. I, {like I think most people are}, am my worst critic, I focus on always improving myself and the things that I didn't do, that I don't take the time to enjoy what I've accomplished.
February is about getting back to me - focusing on my goals and enjoying the things I do for me and not being so hard on myself {or at least trying to - this isn't going to be an overnight switch-a-roo}. So today I'm kicking it off by heading to Holiday Valley for the day. I took the day off and am looking forward to a day of Ellicottville fun with Annette.
A couple other things I have on the calendar that I'm looking forward to this month are trying some new fitness classes out {Barre at Catalyst, Pound at BikeorBar, incorporating a little yoga in my life - if you know of a good studio to go to let me know! and learning more TRX at Revolution Buffalo}, a Makers Buffalo Class is always fun!, a Niagara Wine Trail wine tour for a friend's birthday, the Polar Bites event benefiting the Buffalo Zoo and planning the finishing touches for my 30th birthday party next month. Who knows what else will come up, but sometimes its those "unplanned" adventures that make the best memories.
What are some fun things you are looking forward to this month. Leave them in the comments section below and I'll pick a random person to win a gift card to 716!
Friday Favorites!
/{I'm looking at you}
This past week has been a crappy one for me to be honest. I've been in a funk and just can't seem to get out of it. I don't know if others go through times when they just need to "refocus" and reprioritize their goals, but that's where I'm at right now and its frustrating. Even though I haven't been in the best of moods, Tuesday I spent my afternoon at the Zoo helping put auction items together for their upcoming Polar Bites event. I took a break to go see Tiberius, the new male lion, but the two females were out instead and let me tell you they scared me a little {look at the picture above}. It's childish for an almost 30 year old to say this, but just being at the Zoo for a little bit this week took my mind off of things I just didn't want to think about. I think its important when you are in a funk, to go out and do something you enjoy, whatever it is, because sometimes you just need to get away and enjoy some fresh air.
Until next week! Have a great weekend!
{Just hanging out on a Tuesday afternoon}
{Walking into the zoo, one of the first animal I saw was this Monkey}
{The beautiful Ellicott Square Building}
Friday Favorites!
/Its been a good week, volunteering, catching up on things that I have been putting to the side and planning ahead to the next couple of weeks. Even though the weather isn't supposed to be that great, I'm looking forward to picking pumpkins with my niece and sister on Saturday and Sunday I'm looking forward to attending {as a guest} the Bridal Celebration at Asbury Hall. Ali and Erica always put together great events and there will be a lot of talented Buffalonians there. Have a good, rested weekend! Go Bills!
{ I love seeing the cranes downtown }
{ Just another reason I love Newbury St. on Elmwood }
{ The Polar Bites Pre-Party was a success! }
{ My walk to the First Niagara Center last week was a beautiful one, I love seeing the trees starting to change colors }
{ The first step I took on the Sky High Course this past week. Facing fears and living life }