November 2014 We've reached November, a month that includes voting, remembering our Veterans and being thankful for all the blessings in our life. The end of the month also marks the start of the holiday season. This month is extra special as my family will be welcoming an addition to our family.

This month some of the things I'm looking forward to are; Bubblefest with my niece at the Science Museum, The Compass House Dinner at Salvatore's, working on new projects for the Buffalo City Swim Racers, Macy's Believe Campaign for Make a Wish, visiting Dog E Style and HandleBar for happy hour, Small Business Saturday and spending quality time with the people I love.

What are some of the things on your "to-do" list for this month? Make sure to take time for yourself, live life to the fullest and remember to do at least one thing every day that makes you happy because you're only given one life. If you dream it, you can do it.


Friday Favorites!

Happy Halloween!! This week has reminded me that you can never plan to far ahead because you never know what is going to happen. For me, being a planner, that is a struggle I deal with more often than not, but I'm learning to accept things for the way they are. I hope everyone has a great Halloween and a fabulous weekend! -B


{Check out the specials going on at Dog E Style today}


{Kali walking around the exhibit at the Buffalo Zoo last weekend}


{My Halloween costume from a few years ago}


{Hall-O-Wine group photo from a couple years back, I went as a nerd. Cheap and easy costume!}


{Part of my costume for Cocktails in Character last night}


{Safe and Seen set-up last weekend at ECC North Campus}