Polar Bites 14 Recap
The Buffalo Zoo's annual winter event, Polar Bites 2014 took place last week Thursday at the Buffalo Convention Center. The night was filled with restaurants, wineries and breweries from all over Western New York. People from all over the area came to eat, drink and bid on a handful of auction items that all go to benefit the Buffalo Zoo. In return the Buffalo Zoo provided an armadillo, snake, blue tongue lizard and some other smaller animals on hand for guests to learn more about. Also on hand was a live band and DJ (Spooky Business) for entertainment. For more information on the Buffalo Zoo, upcoming events and to show your support take a click here.
{ Auction area is all set and ready for the people }
{ Oh Michael Kors - Who wouldn't love you? }
{ Of course I had to take a picture of this! Opening day is April 3! }
{ Awards for the favorite vendors }
{ Bubble Hockey Raffle - From ICE! }
{ Great Lakes Brewery - table décor }
{ A little #Buffalove }
{ The Buffalo Convention Center's Polar Bear Ice Sculpture }
{ Just selling those 50/50 tickets! }