Buffalo, NY - A Comeback City?

  Standing in the street in front of City Hall I believe in Buffalo

On Sunday, Buffalo Magazine published there latest edition with the headline, "Is Buffalo Back?" Throughout the article there were topics that touched on the waterfront, downtown development, Main St. and so on.

While Buffalo (statistically) is not one of the best cities around, it once was an area that thrived. As we work to build the area back to a place that intrigues people to come visit and to have students stay here after they graduate, I think this area is on the right path to great things.

Nothing happens overnight, but if we have people (the right people) that believe in this city and believe in this area's future, Buffalo can be a "Comeback City". We already have some pretty great things in this area (architecture, food, events, etc.) now we just have to make people know about them.

What are your thoughts? Did you read Buffalo Magazine's article? Do you think Buffalo is on the right path to be a thriving city once again? What are some of the best things you like about this area? What are some of the things you don't like?

I'm curious to know...
