A "thank you" to my work family as we say goodbye to summer

{the "original" Outer Harbor crew}

Its not the "official" end of summer yet, but with school starting back up and these cooler temperatures that have made there way thru to WNY its easy to say Fall is approaching. While we still have a number of events this next month, I must say this summer, especially this last couple of months have been a whirlwind. One thing I've learned is life happens, things change and there will always be problems and sometimes you may not be able to find a solution or answer to those problems, but you need to learn how to move on and be happy with yourself.

{always willing to help me out when it comes to important causes #BisonsFam}

Learning this lesson comes as a real challenge to me as I just want to please everyone whether it be in my professional or personal life, but eventually it will affect you and drive you crazy because you won't always have the answers or know why things are happening the way they are at those specific times. What I want anyone who may happen to read this post to get out of it is simple, changes take place in all different aspects of your life all the time, some times they are small changes, sometimes they are bigger changes and sometimes we may not know why the hell we are going thru them, but we have to accept them and learn to just live.

{fun times with the gals}

When you are in a career like mine you work very long hours and work becomes your second home. Your co-workers become your second family in a way; you fight together, laugh and cry together, but most importantly you have each others backs. When someone is down or needs help you are there to lift them back up and to let them know everything will be okay. If there is one thing I will stand by its that working together has a far greater reward than working by yourself - a lesson a lot of people could use in today's world.

{4th of July}

{Jack Craft Fair}

{Thunder at the Outer Harbor}

There are a lot of awesome things that took place this summer and it wouldn't haven been possible if we didn't work together. So to my work family at the Ballpark, Canalside and the Outer Harbor, thank you for having my back, making these summer months a very memorable one, picking me up and making me laugh when I've wanted to cry and reminding me that "I've got this" when I've second guessed myself. XO


{the boys}

{2nd to last Bisons game of the season}

{Brunch fest}

{typical Brad :) }