St. Patrick's Day - the year of 32
St. Patrick's Day, - March, 17, 2017. Today I turn 32. As I've done the past two years, I reflect on the year and what I've accomplished, what I've failed at and where I want to go in the future. 31 was a great year, I was given an amazing work opportunity that not only challenges me, but also showed me that hard work really does pay off, you just can't give up. I still have a long way to go, but I'm headed in the right direction.
31 also taught me a lot about who I want in my life and who I don't. I've learned a lot about relationships - with my family, with my friends, with my co-workers. Some of it not so pretty and some of it great, but at the end of the day its something that I had to learn and go through. 31 was also the year I lost my cousin Nathan who touched my life in such a tremendous way with his positive and courageous attitude. Losing Nathan was one of the worst moments of this past year. I still struggle with his passing and keep my feelings about it bottled up, it just shows me life just isn't fair sometimes.
So what's in store for 32 - who the heck knows! What I do know is that I want to be more present, I want to take in as much as I possibly can and learn as many new things as I can. I don't want to be fearful in certain situations and when I am I want to take that leap of faith. Each day is truly an opportunity to be the best you can and to enjoy each moment with those you love and care about.
One thing Nathan taught me and that I will carry with me, is everyone is going through something, it can always be worse. So on those days that I feel like everything is going wrong and falling a part, I want to take a step back and put things in perspective. As I enter this year of "32" I look forward to what it brings, the good and the bad.
Happy St Patrick's Day!