Meet and mingle with staff and attendees, enjoy some cocktails and light fare and see what's Hot Off the Press for the September issue of Buffalo Spree, this evening at Glen Park Tavern.
This is the 4th year the Advertising Club of Buffalo is hosting a celebrity bartending event. Being held on Thursday at Soho Burger Bar, click here for all the event details!
A new restaurant in town, Buffalo Proper sits on the corner of West Tupper and Franklin St. in downtown Buffalo. Like their page on Facebook, to stay up to date on all the exciting reviews and "proper" food and drinks they offer.
Since seeing this mural in different phases on my Instagram feed, I thought I would share what the artists from Tape Art in Providence, RI are doing over the course of 5 days at the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library Downtown. If you're in the area and happen to pass by, check out the "Buffalo Caverns" piece.