Dyngus Day Wrap Up
Dyngus day has come and past and while I enjoyed my time with friends I must say I have to voice my "concerns" on how I feel about the event this year. Going down to the Polonia District in the east side of Buffalo is a tradition. It brings back memories of my old neighborhood, where I grew up and celebrating at the Central Terminal is a great time.
This year there were crowds and crowds of people, more so than in past years {I think the nice weather had something to do with that}, but with that came no sense of organization on the event planners part, people were cutting through fences, more garbage lined the streets than normal, the bands didn't stick with the tradition of playing just Polka music, I'm sorry but in past years that's all that was played, no modern music was played. There was no TYSKIE beer {how can you not have Tyskie Beer at Dyngus Day}, I thought there was a "lack of security" and I felt $5 per drink ticket was fairly high. Where does this money go to? If you have Sobieski Vodka or a beer sponsor, sponsoring your event, where does the money go from ticket and drink sales? Does it go to help renovations at the Terminal or Churches that are still open on the East side of Buffalo? I would like to know.
I don't like to be negative, but after attending this past yea,r all of these questions arose and I thought I would put it out there. All things aside I had a good time, the weather was great, the company was better and I'm looking forward to 2015, hopefully back inside the Terminal.