Friday Favorites - Charity Edition

Closing out this week of charities that are close to me are four more organizations that have a special place in my heart. Whatever the cause or mission is, if you're in a position where you can give back, whether that be your time, money or in-kind donations, the "reward" and the lessons you receive in return are priceless.

We should all try to "Be Better Than Yesterday."



Attending numerous events and now recently joining the Pro Zoo Board, helping the Buffalo Zoo is something I'm honored to be a part of. For more info check out their website and like them on Facebook.


3588_10151423719268207_454898179_n[1]Working on the Kiss Cares for Kids Radiothon for a couple of years and having family use their services Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo is one of the best out there. From the doctors and staff to the facility, we're lucky to have them in our "backyard."

Women and Children's Facebook


logo_alz[1]I've seen what a terrible illness this is, as my grandmother was diagnosed with dementia. I can't even imagine how people living with this illness feel. Its a horrible sickness and having the Alzheimer's association their to provide support and information is something you should use if you or someone you know is going through a difficult time.

Alzheimer's Association {Western New York Chapter}

ALZ on Facebook

998605_573633015993486_637459012_n[1]We should all try to take good care of our bodies, exercise and eat right. There are a handful of my loved ones who have passed away from a heart attack or heart disease. Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death in New York State. Learn more about how to take care of yourself and the American Heart Association here.

And today is National Wear Red Day - wear red and protect the hearts of those you love with the Go Red for Women Movement.