{People Who Move Buffalo} Cretaceous Clothing & JK Media

One of the best ideas I have had to date was my {Women Who Move Buffalo Series} sharing with you women who have made the choice to stay in their hometown and pursue their dream. This year while I will continue that series, I am also expanding on it and introducing {People Who Move Buffalo} - sharing both men and women's stories of success and dreams all while staying local. With that being said, I'm very excited to kick off 2014 sharing two amazing guys stories with you. Zach Patton from Cretaceous Clothing and Jeff Kress from JK Media. Both driven, creative, ambitious, talented, hard working, the list could go on and on. These two men portray amazing personalities and work ethics that most people strive for.

Read more of my interview with them below.


When did you go into business?

  • Zach Patton (ZP): May of 2009 Cretaceous Clothing opened
  • Jeff Kress (JK): November of 2012 JK Media opened

What made you go into the field you're in?

  • ZP: I was a trendsetter back in high school and always enjoyed fashion so I opened my own clothing company. {95% of the clothes in his store are his very own designs}
  • JK: Six years ago I picked up a camera and started shooting. Thought it was fun and self taught myself. I love the people I've met along the way.

What do you like best about Buffalo?

  • ZP and JK: We both like the diverse group of people in the area and the diverse scenes around town.

How did you two meet?

  • ZP and JK: In June of 2013 at the Vault through a mutual friend Jamie Catania. We started talking and throwing ideas back and forth and have been friends ever since.

What makes you stand out from your competition?

  • ZP: Nobody does it the way I do, I have more to offer, hidden talents that you can't find anywhere else especially in the hip-hop scene.
  • JK: I stop at nothing, I will always be there.

When I sat down with Zach and Jeff I immediately knew their life is their work. Two passionate guys who take the time to create quality clothing pieces and capture beautiful photos. Coming in February they will be selling a calendar that offers pictures (taken by Jeff) of clothing that Zach designed while showcases other local businesses ads throughout the months of the year.

Zach offers custom services for clothing - so if you're looking for a place to go for custom wear Zach and his co-worker Goose are the guys to visit. And if you have a special event, paintball tourney, wedding or anything you want captured contact Jeff with JK Media. He also helps in digital art and social media optimization {Both men are from Buffalo, NY}.

Cretaceous Clothing {2630 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo}

Cretaceous Clothing Website

Cretaceous Clothing Facebook

JK Media {Follow on Twitter @JKMedia716} 

JK Media Facebook

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{ From L to R: Goose, Zach {Cretaceous} and Jeff {JK Media} }

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{ JK Media Photography}

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{ I am in love with this photo. Beautiful shot of City Hall in Downtown Buffalo }

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{I think its pretty cool to have a photographer shoot a paintball tourney}

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{ I love Zach's creativity and inspiration that portrays in his clothing;      "Lead Never Follow" }